first aid

Know what the main first aid techniques are:

Know what the main first aid techniques are:

Without a doubt, part of the important and essential knowledge that all people must use is first aid techniques, since on a daily basis anyone can be exposed to possible accidents that could be dealt with quickly if one knows how to carry out the healing and healing processes. attention.

First aid is immediate actions whose main objective is to reduce the effects of injuries that a person may present, this as a preventive measure until the relevant health personnel arrive. Its application is of utmost importance since the victim’s recovery process will depend on this first action.

Studies have shown that every 24 seconds a domestic accident occurs in the country, that is, they happen directly at home, which is why it is of utmost importance that all people have knowledge of first aid techniques, which will be help in emergency situations.

Main first aid techniques that you should know:

Accidents at home, wounds, burns or cardiovascular conditions are situations that could cause unprecedented incidents at any time, which is why there are certain basic techniques that every individual must know in order to always be prepared for any eventuality.

Among these first aid techniques we have:

CPR or Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation:

Also called cardiopulmonary resuscitation and commonly known by its acronym CPR, it is one of the basic and emergency procedures that ensure oxygenation in the body, used when an individual has stopped breathing or when the person’s heart stops beating. Contact us for first aid course

It is generally applied to victims of drowning or cardiac arrest, and in general terms it is performed as follows:

The individual is quickly accommodated face up:

The palms of the hands are brought together and placed strategically in the middle of the victim’s sternum.
Strong pressure is placed on the victim’s chest, with rhythmic and rapid compressions.
Chest compressions are stopped and the victim is checked to see if he or she is breathing again.
Some combine mouth-to-mouth breathing with compressions to increase the effectiveness of the technique.

In case of suffocation:

You need to learn this technique if you have children, since it is common for them to swallow things that can get stuck in their throat or airways, causing them to suffocate. To deal with this situation, the individual must apply the following first aid techniques:

  • Make the asphyxiated person stand in front of us.
  • Position ourselves behind the victim.
  • Form a “hug” with the victim at waist level and form a fist with your hands.
  • Press upward from the navel, but never reaching the sternum.
  • It is important to note that this procedure does not work if the victim is unconscious, since there will be no voluntary muscle movements of any kind.

In case of burns:

Burns are another possible incident that could occur, caused by contact with any material, liquid or solid, of very high temperature.  This is ends up damaging the skin, often irreversibly. Burns must also be treated quickly.  So that the condition of the affected person does not worsen, and the techniques that you can apply in this case are given by:

  • Immediately remove the victim from the source of high temperature.
  • Never remove clothing if it has been a material affected by fire.
  • If it is an extremity, place the body part in water, not too cold, for at least 10 minutes.
  • Cover the area carefully with sterile dressings in order to avoid any possible infection.
  • Give the victim water to drink constantly.
  • In case of injuries
  • Wounds can be superficial or deep (very common in first-aid work), regardless of how they are, it is necessary to apply relevant first aid techniques to avoid infections or stop serious bleeding in the victim.

Among the actions that the individual can take to address this situation we have:

  • Wash your hands very well with soap or apply antibacterial.
  • Adjust the victim’s position to a more comfortable and free one.
  • Use sterile gloves and press it against the wound. This is done to stop possible bleeding and avoid further contamination. Click Here for Life Guard Tips
  • It is important that deep wounds are treated by a health professional. This  is why it is recommended to call emergencies once the bandaging work has been completed.

About John Cena

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